
Who Are You Online?

Maximize Your Online Presence for Job Success
Who Are You Online? The Internet is filled with billions of pieces of information, so what is it saying about you? Before you conduct a job search, take some time to thoroughly dissect your online presence. You can rest assured…

How to Flesh Out Your Resume

Your Resume
How to Flesh Out Your Resume It is commonly known that your resume should be a standard one page. Seeing as your resume only gets maybe 10 seconds of attention, any longer than one page provides more information than can…

Designer Jeans and Life After College

Navigating Your Professional Path
Designer Jeans and Life After College By: Megan Spanjers As a Twenty-Something, the ambiguity of your early professional life is like trying to buy that perfect pair of designer jeans online. Consider the drawbacks of such a purchase: “What if they…

Video Resumes 101

Video Resumes
Video Resumes 101 Video resumes are becoming more and more important in our all-digital all the time world. Want to make yours perfect? Here are some tips that will help you make the most of your 30 second spot. The…