
Objective or No Objective?

Objective or No Objective
Objective or No Objective? There are varying arguments both for and against the inclusion of an objective, which is a brief statement about the type of job you are looking for, on the top of your resume. Both arguments have…

Job Seekers, What’s Your Sign?

Job Seekers
Job Seekers, What’s Your Sign? Sure, you’ve probably seen or heard about career resources listing job titles by personality type. From personal experience, I can agree that these lists can be quite helpful and accurate in directing us job seekers…

Employers: Are you a scary interviewer?

Type of interview
Employers: Are you a scary interviewer? Think about how you would feel when  walking in to be interviewed. Would you feel intimidated by the formality of the room and the number of people present? Or would you feel at ease…

Employers: No-No’s for Job Posts

Employers: No-No’s for Job Posts As an employer, you’re well aware of how little time you spend looking at each resume. Likewise, you can understand that frantic and unemployed job seekers may spend just as little time flipping through job…