6 Reasons Video Interviews Help Recruiters

6 Ways Video Interviews Revolutionize Recruiting in a Post-COVID

During the pandemic, we relied on Zoom and other video chat software to help us keep up with our daily workflow, including recruitment! Now that we’ve adjusted to life in a post-COVID world, video interviews are still extremely popular and beneficial, especially when it comes to standing out in a crowded field of employers. If you want to leave a lasting impression on people who view your job posting, add video. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they see it in a message. That’s compared to just 10% when they read text alone!

In this post, we’ll go over the top six reasons why video interviews help recruiters with both internal recruitment and external recruitment and why you should prepare to start using HR recruitment software as soon as possible.

1. Save Time and Money

Gone are the days of having to fly out-of-town candidates in for interviews, pay for their lodging, and take them out to expensive dinners. With HR recruitment software, you don’t have to worry about stretching the company budget to do any of that. Instead, you can conduct your interviews more efficiently — both cost and time-wise.

When you use HR agency software for recruitment, you don’t have to worry about tedious scheduling and travel booking. Instead, you can devote more time to vetting candidates and having meaningful conversations with them that don’t revolve around tight travel schedules. This allows video recruitment services to eliminate transportation costs while allowing you to meet face-to-face with candidates anywhere, at any time that works for both of your schedules — you can even interview candidates around the world that you otherwise would not have logistically been able to.

Candidates also enjoy not having to commute, especially early in the hiring process, and may be more willing to give your company a shot knowing they can conduct the interview from the comfort of their own home and on a schedule that works for them.

2. It’s the Future of Recruiting

As the world becomes more comfortable — and reliant — on technology, the online recruitment industry is expected to grow as more and more companies jump on board with HR recruitment software that allows them to conduct video interviews for external and internal recruitment and hiring for all levels and roles. Adding video to recruiting is extremely effective too. In fact, job ads that include video get 80% more engagement and have a 34% higher application rate than those without video.

3. New Generations Expect It

Speaking of the future, digitally native millennials and Gen Z expect digital recruitment and hiring processes, and they may not be interested in companies that seem “stuck in the past” and require old-fashioned, button-downed interviews. Put your best modern foot forward and wow the younger members of the workforce with video recruitment.

4. Accurate Vetting Process

Video interviews take about the same amount of time and effort as telephone interviews, but they offer you insights that telephone interviews cannot. Studies show that 55% of communication is visual, which highlights the importance of face-to-face communication. Video interviews let you have this important communication without the need for organizing on-site interviews.

5. Access Live and Pre-Recorded Interviews

You can save even more time on screening and first interviews by having your candidates submit recorded interviews. Live interviews are important for higher and more skilled positions, especially in roles where the employee will be customer-facing. However, a recorded interview should suffice for most entry-level positions. What’s more, you can share pre-recorded interviews with other team members and managers to get input on each candidate and decide whether you want to move forward in the hiring process.

6. Expand Your Reach

Video interviews allow you to remove any geographical limitations and reach a much broader job pool than would be possible with traditional in-person interviews only. This allows you to access top talent around the world, not just in your background. Then you can decide whether to have the employee work remotely or whether you want to pay to move them closer to your location. Job postings with video are viewed 12% more than those without. Merely having a video icon on your job listing is a simple way to get more people to click on it and learn more.

We Can Help

Job makes providing your clients with qualified talent fast, easy, and affordable. Our advanced video interviewing capabilities are second to none, empowering your clients to achieve their goals effortlessly. To learn more about our video recruitment service and product offerings, please visit our website: www.jobma.com. If you’re interested in discovering more, you can explore further with a free demo with Jobma.

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Author name:  Susan Ranford